Sunday, 30 May 2010

Getting started - My first blog

Finally!! Well.. that wasn't bad!! Spent couple of hours and here I am with my own and the first blog. I was thinking about this for so long and now wondering why didn't I pick this up long back. Anyway .. atleast have taken a first step here.

What made me to jump into this though? Have to admit, its my interest in apps forced me to have my own space!! yup google calls it "your website" please. We can't keep it blank unfortunately. I guess they are right asking for URL when you are trying to sell some apps to common public. How can you give a better service without a proper website? I have to admit and say NO.

Now what next? I dont know ;-) No jokes apart, will continue to improve upon this and keep writing on various things... yes already can think of various things. My first android app, upgrades, what's in the pipeline, android OS vs iphone OS, android device VS iphone... list will go on. Obviously I need to spend some time on all this, but some encouraging feedback for my first app would definitely help.

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